A Truth Few Embrace
Written by Jeffrey Wright

When was the last time you were still? When was the last time you disconnected from technology? When was the last time you were alone on purpose? Our culture is selling us the lie of busyness, but Jesus modeled for us the truth of stillness.

When was the last time you were alone and still for five minutes? No phone. No TV. No people. Just…still?

If you haven’t been still in quite some time, take the next five minutes. Right now. Yes, right now. Set a timer on your phone for five minutes. After you spend five minutes still, finish this blog. (If you can’t do it right now, pick a time at some point today.)

There’s a lie in our culture: You have to be busy to matter. 

If you have a full schedule, you have a full life. If you’re surrounded by people, then you really matter. To be successful, eliminate margin and hustle. At least, that’s what our culture teaches.

There’s nothing wrong with working hard. But never stopping has some pretty severe consequences. Warp speed can warp your soul. High speed causes soul drift.

Jesus had a rhythm of solitude that was consistent in His life. 

At daybreak, Jesus went out to a solitary place. The people were looking for Him, and when they came to where He was, they tried to keep Him from leaving them.  – Luke 4:42

Yet the news about Him spread all the more so that crowds of people came to hear Him and to be healed of their sicknesses. But Jesus often withdrew to lonely places and prayed.  – Luke 5:15-16

Did you see that? Jesus often withdrew. This was normal for Jesus. Often

Jesus went to lonely places. But He wasn’t lonely. Why? Because alone doesn’t mean lonely. Jesus intentionally chose solitude. Amidst crowds and demands and expectations, Jesus knew the importance of being still.

The lie in our culture is that you have to be busy to matter. Jesus understood a truth few do: Choose solitude to meet with the One who matters.

It’s in solitude that we can meet with God. Of course, we also meet Him in local church gatherings, around family, and with friends. But there’s a unique and important place that solitude held for Jesus and must hold for us, too.

I’m willing to bet that most of us believe in the importance of solitude, but we struggle to practice it.

So here’s the challenge I’ll leave you with: Schedule solitude. 

Pick a time. Pick a place. Put it on your calendar. If you don’t choose it, life will squelch it. When you choose it, you’ll find a fuller life.

Because in solitude, you’ll find that alone doesn’t mean lonely. Your perfect and personal heavenly Father wants to meet with you.


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