Serve with the Photography Team
Our Photography Team comprises creative people who photograph our weekend services, ministries within the church, and other events for creative marketing purposes. It’s a great way to make a big church feel like home!

Volunteers arrive 30 minutes before service to start shooting the shot list they have received. Once the shot list is complete, the photographer can sit in service or be dismissed.
Does the church provide equipment for me to use?
No, the photographers must have a personal DSLR camera to use.
Can I shoot and attend the same service?
Yes, you can. We prefer you serve at one service and attend another so you can focus solely on the experience.
How often will I serve?
Our volunteer photographers serve at least once per month.
Where do I upload the photos once I shoot and edit them?
We use a platform called SmugMug to store all of our photos. Once you are officially on the team, you will receive login details and more information on how to navigate the platform.
What is the timeline for uploading photos to SmugMug?
Shots taken at weekend services must be uploaded within a week of shooting. Special events and baptism deadlines are determined on a case-by-case basis and will be given to you by the Social Media Specialist.
Can I share the photos that I take on my personal social media pages?
Please be mindful of the photos shared on your pages. If they are photos of one or a few people, let’s ensure we have permission from them before sharing them. Feel free to share if they are general worship shots of the room. We highly encourage you to share the Bethlehem Church posts on your pages, especially if it’s a photo you have taken!
How do I know when and where to shoot?
Photographers will receive training before shooting independently. The Social Media Specialist will send a shot list for all the events before the event date.