Serve with Bethlehem Buddies

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Serving Opportunities

Sunday Service Buddy Volunteer

Sunday Service Buddy Volunteer

Be a Buddy and provide one-on-one individualized support, love, and care to a child or adult with a developmental disability. Training is provided, and no experience is required; just a heart to learn!

Dream Team Buddy Volunteer

Dream Team Buddy Volunteer

Serve alongside our adult Buddies who fulfill different ministry projects around the church between 11 AM and 1:30 PM on Tuesdays and Thursdays! This is a great way to be connected to different ministries and serve our community alongside our joyful Bethlehem Adult Buddies.

Sunday Night Small Group Buddy Volunteer

Sunday Night Small Group Buddy Volunteer

Want to help disciple our adult Bethlehem Buddies? Join us on Sunday Nights between 6:30 and 8:00 PM and help our Buddies dive into the Word of God!

Buddies Night Out Volunteer

Buddies Night Out Volunteer

This is a great opportunity to serve at one-off events with our Bethlehem Buddies! These nights are filled with fun activities and free dinner, and because of volunteers like you, our Buddies families get to experience a night of respite.

Family Event Buddies Volunteer

Family Event Buddies Volunteer

A few times a year, we host our Bethlehem Buddies Families for a fun event full of people who love and care for them!

Sunday Services in Buddies require us to individually meet the needs of each Bethlehem Buddy. You will always have a Sunday full of worship, Bible stories, and free time! We desire to point our Buddies to Jesus on Sundays and love and care for them while their families are being spiritually fed in our main auditorium.

9:15 AM Sunday Service

8:55 AM – 10:30 AM Buddy Volunteers Serve

11:15 AM Sunday Service

10:55 AM – 12:30 PM Buddy Volunteers Serve


Do I have to serve every week?

We require our Bethlehem Buddies volunteers to serve on a biweekly schedule. This allows our Buddies to get to know and trust you on Sundays. You must let the Buddies Team know when you are not planning on attending so that they can adjust buddy pairings for Sunday services. If you would like to volunteer weekly, we would greatly appreciate that!

We also ask you to attend one service and serve during another. Please do not skip attending service for yourself to serve as a Buddies volunteer!

Does the church require experience with kids or adults with developmental disabilities in order to serve?

While we appreciate all volunteers with experience with this population, it is not required! We onboard and train all volunteers to ensure that all Bethlehem Buddies will be kept safe and have fun each Sunday. In addition, our Bethlehem Buddies Team and Coaches are on-site to assist you with any medical, behavioral, communication, toileting, or other needs.

Do I have to pass a background check?

Yes, everyone over the age of 18 must pass a background check before training in a Bethlehem Buddies environment.

How old do I have to be to serve with Bethlehem Buddies?

Students are eligible to serve starting in 6th grade.

Is there a dress code?

In all of our Bethlehem Buddies environments, we have FUN! We ask that you wear the Bethlehem Buddies shirt and lanyard we provide and come dressed ready to fully engage, whether building blocks on the floor or jumping around in worship.

Join The Team

If you’re interested in serving with the Buddies ministry at Bethlehem Church, click the button below!