Who Is My Neighbor?
Do you know your neighbors? Jesus famously said, “Love your neighbor as yourself.” And humans famously asked, “But who is my neighbor?” What are some simple, practical ways to love those around you with a busy schedule pulling you in different directions?
Hope Heals Camp: Finding Joy in Brokenness
In the face of a devastating diagnosis and overwhelming challenges, one family’s journey through childhood cancer and disability reveals the transformative power of faith, community, and finding joy in the darkest times.
Ways We Worship
Worship is not just what we do at a weekly church gathering. It’s not a genre of music we hear on a radio station. It’s a way of life.
On Saying Yes and Saying No
What are you saying “Yes” to? What are you saying “No” to? Paul uses the metaphor of running to challenge the church in Corinth on how to pursue Jesus, and it’s something we can all learn from.
Men that Matter: David
Men that matter have courage.
My Testimony
He is already waiting for you to open the door. Just call out His name and ask Him to meet you right where you are.