Who Is My Neighbor?

Do you know your neighbors? Jesus famously said, "Love your neighbor as yourself." And humans famously asked, "But who is my neighbor?" What are some simple, practical ways to love those around you with a busy schedule pulling you in different directions?

Jesus said, “Love your neighbor as yourself.” The man asked back, “But who is my neighbor?”

Jesus told the Parable of the Good Samaritan in response to this question, proving that anyone around you qualifies as your neighbor.

I personally think one of the most neglected categories of “neighbor” that we fail to love well in this day and age is…well, our literal neighbors. Whether you’re in a neighborhood or an apartment, it’s not that uncommon to not know who lives around you past their first name.

In a culture of video doorbells and hurried schedules spanning miles every day, it’s easy to live in one place and barely know those who sleep less than a hundred feet from you each night. Yet those are often people who don’t know Jesus and who need His love!

Some of the most meaningful moments of my faith have come from loving my neighbors. It’s the long, meandering relationships over time that often have the biggest impact.

How do we “love our neighbors as ourselves”? I had a mentor who passed along a simple acronym that has always stuck with me: it spells the word BLESS. Don’t underestimate it because of its simplicity; it can change your life.

B - Begin Your Day in Prayer
Pray that God will give you an opportunity to bless your neighbors. This invites God into the mix and awakens your awareness of opportunities to shake hands, learn names, offer help, and encourage those around you. 

This prayer doesn’t necessarily add anything to your schedule; it just changes how you move through your schedule. 

“They should always pray and never give up.”
Luke 18:1

“When faith ceases to pray, it ceases to live.”
- E.M. Bounds

L - Listen
Start by learning your neighbor’s names. What are their kids’ names? What is the name of the dog that barks too much? Everyone loves to hear the sound of their own name. 

Once you have caught a few names, it’s time to start asking questions. What are their likes/dislikes? Where do they work? How is their family? What are the biggest pressure points for them right now? Is there anything they need help with? 

Jesus modeled a life of asking questions of others because He truly cared for them. Asking questions shows a genuine interest in other people. Asking questions is a selfless act. 

“Everyone should be quick to listen”
James 1:19

“Remember that a person’s name is to that person the sweetest and most important sound in any language.”
- Dale Carnegie

E - Eat
Eating a meal together is deeply spiritual. Think about the powerful moments in Scripture around a meal: the Last Supper, Passover, the feeding of the 5,000, the wedding feast of the lamb, dinner with Zacchaeus. Even communion is a form of a meal. 

Everyone has to eat. Invite them into your home, go visit their home, or find a place out somewhere. Barriers come down when there’s cheese dip on the table. 

          “I have eagerly desired to eat this Passover with you"
Jesus in Luke 22:15

“You learn a lot about someone when you share a meal together.”
- Anthony Bourdain

S - Serve
Serving models the heart of Jesus because He didn’t come to be served but to serve others. Laying down your life, time, and dollars for another is a literal picture of the gospel for them. 

Help with yard work. Show up in crisis. Take care of their kids. Help with their car. Assist on a house project. Serve others. 

“Do not use your freedom to indulge in the flesh; rather, serve one another humbly in love.”
Galatians 5:13

"Serving others prepares you to lead others.”
- Jim George

S - Share Your Story
At some point along the way, as you bless, listen, eat, and serve, your life will look quite a bit different than your neighbor is used to seeing. There’s peace, hope, love, and joy in the life of a Jesus follower that stands in stark contrast to the world of anxiousness, despair, hate, and sadness. 

Share when you met Jesus and why that matters now. Share that you have a church family that loves you. Share that you have eternal hope and unlimited grace. Share that Jesus has changed your life. 

When you’ve prayed, listened, eaten, and served, your story has power because the gospel is evident in your life. You’ve earned the right to speak the truth.

"Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect.”
1 Peter 3:15

Who are your neighbors? Could you start to BLESS them?

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